"No, it's okay. You don't have to move."


I moved in with my camera to take a shot of the horse's front braid. Without my asking a man petting the other horse started to move out of the way in order to leave me a clearer shot. When I told him that it was okay and that he could stay right where he was, he turned and smiled happily for the picture [awww!].

2013-05-11-16.31.20_thumb.jpg august_2010_dungeon_thumb.jpg august_2010_dungeonpeek_thu.jpg august_2010_dungeonext_thum.jpg august_2010_montrichard_thu.jpg august_2010_monmousseau_thu.jpg

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And hey! You know what? Don't take my photos or layout without permission.
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I like to make things. See them at: tortillagirl.com.

updated using movable type. old skool version.