F黎e des Lumi鑽es Lyon 2008

This, my friends, is what now officially kicks off the festive "I want to put up a Christmas tree and start baking spicy cookies" holiday feeling chez moi. Every year from December 5-8 I put thermals under my jeans and bundle up "like a tick about to pop" [remember Ralphie's brother in his snowsuit from a Christmas Story?], tumble into a crowded metro with people who push and shove and then brave the cold winds out in the city of Lyon in order to see all the magical twinkly fairy lights. We usually pick a different spot in the city to visit every year, and this year's chosen spot was the "Galerie de Lumi鑽e" From Place des Terreaux to Place de la Com馘ie.

After that, we took a long walk past the Opera and across the Rhone river and the whole time I was soooo glad that I bundled up as much as I did.

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